Applied technologies
Here you will find an overview of all technologies integrated in the INTEWA company building.
Drinking water from rainwater
This plant is probably the first in Germany to use rainwater as drinking water for commercial purposes.
Process water from small sewage treatment plant
By means of the AQUALOOP technology, the effluent water from the fully biological CFP compact treatment plant is further processed to process water quality.
Process water from green roof
The run-off water from the green roof is collected, used to research different cleaning methods and then reused.
Stormwater infiltration
The infiltration coefficients on the INTEWA property lie between 108 and 109 m/s and are therefore unsuitable for infiltration through a ditch. But...
The photovoltaic system is located on the roof of the hall in an east-west orientation in order to cover the company's daily requirements as optimally as possible.
Ventilation system with enthalpy heat exchanger
An 800 m³/h ventilation system with heat recovery was installed on each floor of the office building.
Home automation
For building automation, INTEWA relied on the company ambihome and the KNX building automation system.
Heat pump
A brine/water heat pump was chosen because of the very low energy requirement due to the use of different technologies.
Floor heating
With thermodämm, a manufacturer of underfloor heating systems was selected from the immediate vicinity (Übach-Palenberg).
Deep drilling
The energy for the heat pump for heating in winter and cooling in summer comes from the ground.

Unsealed traffic areas
For the traffic areas, INTEWA opted for a solution with TTE plastic grass panels.
All information collected and prepared for a press article, you will find here.